Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2013

Life in Tokyo / Japan - Useful Links

Dear Blogg Reader,

This is the first entry to share some interesting Links that should help you once you visit Japan / specifically Tokyo. Sorry to write that in english, but I guess the information I want to share is also good for non-german speakers. However, translation can be provided (just leave a comment or send me a mail - or use Google Translator - it's fun)

WIFI: First of all: It helps a looooot to have a mobile WIFI and a smartphone / Ipad / Tablet with you when you are moving around Tokyo and Japan in general. I wouldn't have survived without or at least missed some nice places and background information. (Wikipedia, Google-Maps).

You can rent a mobile WIFI at the Airport but be aware that you have to book this in advance (and it's not cheap either, sorry). Link:  There might be cheaper ones - just google.
Nevertheless, in Tokyo there are many places (coffee shops, etc.) where you can use WIFI for free, but these places are never there where you need it.

Internet in Hotels: All Hotels that I have visited have LAN (more common) or WIFI. If you happen to stay in a Hotel without WIFI, bring you Access-Point with you, so you can use your mobile Gadgets. Access-Points can also be purchased in any electronic shop (Bic Camera, Yodobashi, Labi) - best place is Akihabara. Don't worry if you don't speak japanese - "WIFI Access Point" is understood everywhere. Costs approx. 20 EUR


Train schedule for JR and Metro:  -  there's also a free App for IOS and Android (free for 30 days).
Taxi (Tokyo): No need to use specifically english speaking taxis - if you have your destination address printed in Japanese, you should not have any problem (every taxi I have been taking,  uses a Navi). But who feels more comfortable with english-speaking taxidriver: MK Taxi: speak English and you can book in advance. Contact: TEL:03-5547-5551, MAIL:taxi@tokyomk.comTel. Web:

Free Apps for Iphone (and for sure also Android, but did not check):

Public transport (Rail and metro): Tokyo Rail Map Lite. Search that in App-Store, there is a free version and some with charge - the free version only works online Picture looks like that:
Travelguide: thousands in App-Store. I tried "Ulmon Tokyo" which also gives you information about nearby points of interest.
Dictionary: Pocket Lingo - very nice App that provides the basic words for different categories. And the best is, it also has pretty good audio output. Very helpful in restaurants.
Translator: search "Cam Dictionary". You can either pass your Iphone over the text and the App translates what it recognizes, or take a picture and put your finger to the words/sentence. Can be rather tricky and did not work always. I still don't know how to turn off the heated seat of my toilet :-)
But maybe because my Iphone 3G has a bad resolution.
There are uncounted more. But I did not try out nor can recommand more at this time. Most helpful for me was and still is the Rail Map Lite and the Dictionary.
Travel Information
Travel Magazines: (free) (need to subsribe/buy)
Tokyo Weekender -  - also has some links about life in Tokyo.
Social Sites:
Tokyo Gaijins - - organize many events and trips. No personal experience yet, but page looks nice (and has been recommanded by my CrossCultural Trainer - thanks Renee)
Outdoor club Japan: 
Hope the Links and Info's also help other travelers / expats.
Feedback is welcome !

Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

22./23.11.2013 Herbststimmung November

Hallo liebe Blogleser,

ein paar Eindrücke vom Herbst in Tokyo

Zuerst einmal ein kurzer Besuch in Kaminoyama. Habe dort das erste (und auch letzte) mal in einem traditionellem Ryokan und in einem sogenannten "Tatami-Room" übernachtet. Der Raum selber ist zwar sehr groß wie man sieht, das "Bett" (Futon) hat mich aber eher an Pfadfinderzeiten erinnert - etwas zu hart für meinen Rücken :-)

Am Wochenende dann auf "Blätterjagd" gegangen. Diesmal in den Shinjuku-Park.
Riesiger Park, viele Bäume und relativ wenig Leute.

 Das kuriose an dem Bild sind eigentlich die Leute - für Tokyo-Verhältnisse müssten noch 200 kommen damit man den Park als leer bezeichnen könnte.

Wunderschöne Farben - Bilder sprechen für sich

Am Heimweg noch kurz ein Schnappschuss  -  Auch Lieferwagen kann man tieferlegen :-)